Mismatched SQL Server Driver Warning


If the installed SQL Server drivers on a machine are not the preferred drivers for the SQL Server version specified in a connection string, Alpha Anywhere will issue a warning.


If the wrong ODBC drivers are used to connect to a database, it can cause unexpected errors when querying the database. Alpha Anywhere will issue a warning when it detects that the drivers installed are not the preferred drivers for the SQL Server version specified in a connection string. For example:

Warning: You have a connection string for SQL Server for which the version of the SQL Server client driver installed on this computer running Alpha Anywhere Application Server does not match!

You requested SQL Server version: 2017

The preferred driver is : ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
The selected driver is: SQL Server Native Client 11.0

Note: To avoid unexpected issues, make sure you install the preferred client driver on any server you deploy to.

To correct this warning, install the correct drivers for version of SQL Server you're using. As of this writing, the following drivers are available:

SQL Server Version
Client Driver

ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server


ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server


ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server


SQL Server Native Client 11.0


SQL Server Native Client 10.0


SQL Native Client

Older Versions

SQL Server

For more information about connecting to SQL Server, see Connecting to SQL Server.